The Files on the Planet Kraine

Weapons of Mass Destruction

There are many forms of fireworks on Kraine. Some of the biggest and most fun are listed here!

Antimatter Bombs:
Already patented, an Antimatter Bomb takes matter and combines it with antimatter. Depending on how much you use, antimatter + matter = BOOM. 1 gram of antimatter added with 1 gram of matter would produce as much explosive force as a 20 kiloton nuclear bomb. If you had a kilogram of each (a kilogram is about the weight of a quart of milk), you would get a 20,000 kiloton explosion. They pyromaniac possibilities are endless.

Ultimate Bombs:
Made and patented by Concordia, the Ultimate Bomb works similarly to the Antimatter bombs. But the U.B. also adds Dark Matter, Red Matter, and Electromatter. The Electromatter is put as small particles in the casing of the bomb. When the matter and antimatter combine, the electromatter (which can penetrate any material with ease) shoots out as small particles and rips through everything like the projectiles of a shotgun. After that, anything that survives the blast is sucked into a black hole generated by the red matter (this, depending on how much of each form of matter you add, can limit the blast radius to fit your interests). Then, the dark matter dissipates the black hole and you get a big old wasteland, ready to be filled with radioactive trash.

These compact the target to be the size of a soccer ball. Very useful. Patented by The Allies.

Ion Fuel Bomb:
Patented by Jartopolis

Lajkum Portrait (real name converted to Ghz-ish to avoid a conflict):
A picture so incredibly ugly that any person or animal who sees it will die and any camera filming it will explode.
Patented by Concordia.
The one defense against this weapon, a special war mirror, has been patented by East Prudoj.
This is not so much a weapon of mass destruction, but a weapon of mass DISGUSTion. Still worthy of the WMD title.

Red Matter Bomb:
Makes a black hole and sucks stuff up.
Patented by The Vanguard Confederacy.

The Swedish Moonlaser:
With many functions, and the max power to destroy an entire planet, the Empire of Sweden's moonlaser is almost undefeatable. And the Swedish Artificial Big-Bang technology can always make more.

Because of the fall of the TP, this weapon is patented by the Allied Powers.